Monday, June 22, 2009

g. edward griffin, bankers, freemasons, & amanita symbolism.

to see the first of these images, you may have to switch your video settings
to 1600x1200 or resize your browser so that it's wider than your screen.

these are just a few images that i moved here from another blog that i
was drafting.

i'll warn you now that this contains a fair amount of pure speculation & theory
on my part, but perhaps you will find this entertaining, if not informative.

recently jan irvin interviewed g. edward griffin:
i'd seen g. edward griffin's fantastic film, "the capitalist conspiracy" before.
after i had later come to the conclusion that the amanita muscaria is a major
key to the so called "illumination" among those who are considered to be, "the
illuminati", i was completely caught off gaurd when a i was reading a transcript
of an interview g. edward griffin had given about a book he had written, called,
"the creature from jekyll island."

in this interview transcript g. edward griffin, mentioned facts about several international banking families which appear to support my contention that these families, who are often regarded as "illuminati" families, are aware of & actively involved in using the sun & the amanita muscaria mushroom in occult initiations,
perhaps as per the egyptian pharoanic initiations which the late james arthur & the late robert anton wilson described.

many of these so called "illuminati" families are also frequently alleged to have
very strong involvement & influence in freemasonry/luciferianism, among other
secret societies, particularly the rothschilds & the rockefellers.

the man who started what is now arguably the most infamous "illuminati" family,
was a man named amschel mayor baeur. baeur changed his name to rothschild,
which in german translates into "red shield". it is my belief that the reason he
changed his surname to "rothschild" is because he had discovered how to use amanita
muscaria & fondly regarded it as his "red shield", perhaps using it to communicate
with demonic entities which offered him knowledge, or used it to do some sort of
astral surveillance or intelligence gathering.

james arthur was the first person that i know of to suggest that amanita
muscaria is a very big high level secret in freemasonry. so if this is true,
to me this all stands to reason.

i have not had the chance to read the book yet, but as i understand it,
clark heinrich's "strange fruit" basically suggests the amanita muscaria
is the hermeneutic key to freemasonry, kabbalism, & alchemy. some of
you probably know better than i whether or not this is accurate.

g. edward griffin describes the history of "the illuminati" in his video, the
capitalist conspiracy, including mention of the afghani, the french, & the
spanish versions of the illuminati, which all preceded adam weishaupt's
illuminati. i can't recall hearing anyone other than g. edward griffin mention
the existence of the "illuminati" prior to adam weishaupt.
here is the relevant video clip from part 4 of the 5 part youtube video,
"the capitalist conspiracy"

if you notice that griffin alleges that weishaupt adopted the symbol of
the eye in the capstone. to me this is significant because my observations
lead me to believe that this symbol, which is sometimes referred to as
the "eye of horus", is absolutely symbolic of a mushroom. i can demonstrate
this with pictures. i am familiar with andy's argument that it represents
a depiction of a certain part of the brain in profile view, which i suppose
it does, vaguely, but the examples i can provide are far more convincing,

& so, we may as well call the egyptians, "illuminati", because it seems that
much of this horsecrap came from them.

my feeling is that use of amanita muscaria & other visionary plants, such
as cannabis/hashish are probably the central keys to the whole "illuminati"
secret squirrel game, with lucifer, "the light bearer" being another very
consistent contributor to their mess. where one goes, the other certainly
seems to follow.

griffin & maxwell both describe how the jesuit, adam weishaupt, was hired by
the rothschild family to establish the "perfectibilists" - the bavarian illuminati,
which he did, in 1776.

i believe manly p. hall's "the lost keys to freemasonry" mentioned adam weishaupt's
establishment of the illuminati. i just found a previous post of mine which details
[quote]illuminism - the "worldwide monolithic conspiracy" - a.k.a. communism?

it is interesting to note that g. edward griffin, and jordan maxwell both seem
to suggest that that communism is the nothing more than the blueprint of
the illuminati plot (the perfectibilists) which was hatched by jesuit/former
jesuit adam weishaupt in 1776, by proxy for the rothschilds.

in "the lost keys to freemasonry," manly palmer hall, suggests that
weishaupt was responsible for creating the bavarian illuminati in 1776.
"weishaupt" is talked about extensively in this book, actually. on pages
292, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 314, 317, 321, & on page.... *322* =) (the
infamous number of the skull & bones. =) hall also talks about the jesuits
in this book: p. 109, 149, 289 (the rite of perfection), 296, 297, 299, 302,
203, & 315 for those interested.

hall doesn't mention the name rothschild in this book or suggest any
connection between the rothschilds & weishaup, but in "the secret
teachings of all ages" he merely shows us his knowledge of the wealth of
the rothchilds, which was obviously no secret.

if maxwell & griffin are correct then the words "communist"
& "communism" are perfectly interchangeable with the words "illuminism,"
& "illuminati."

based on my research, i would strongly argue that they are probably correct[/quote]

the jesuits were founded by ignatius loyola, who was tried but released by the
inquisition for his ties to the spanish illuminati, los alumbrados, before he
was basically hired by the pope. if illuminism is indeed typically a function
of plant use, then it makes sense that ignatius loyola might have learned
of this & took it into the vatican. if mushroom idolatry/plant use was not
already in the vatican by the time loyola arrived, then perhaps it arrived with
him in the 14th century. alleged illuminist, gian lorenzo bernini didn't start
putting up mushroom style water fountains or designing st. peter's square in the
shape of a mushroom until a century or so after loyola set up the jesuits in
vatican city.

anyways, griffin & maxwell both suggest that weishaupt's illuminati plan was the
blueprint for communism. in other words: "communism = illuminism".

this makes perfect sense symbolically when one considers the nazi armband, which
includes the sun-wheel inside the red & white amanita colors & obama's
campaign logo, which is the strongest most glaringly obvious sun & mushroom
symbolism to surface in the political arena since the rise & fall of the german
national socialist party.

incidentally, the nazis believed that the aryans were not only superior, but that
they intended to cultivate superhuman powers, fueled by "vril" energy, which
sounds a lot like the seething energies of lucifer which albert pike suggested
freemasons are knowingly or inadvertantly aspiring to.

it is interesting to note that theosophist/luciferian helena blavatsky
- believed lucifer was god, as the freemasons do, but she clearly equated
lucifer with satan & suggested he was the god & the only god of this planet.
- she touted international socialism as the perfect platform on which to unfold
her vision of "the brotherhood of man", which is a notion that is not peculiar
to theosophy, but is also prominent in freemasonry, "a course in miracles", in
the united nations, in lucis trust's endeavors, & central in the new age
movement at large.
- considered the aryans to be spiritually superior to other races.

- adopted the swastika as the logo of the theosophical society, prior to the nazi's
adoption of the same symbol.
- is said to have been an occult superhero of the thule society, which subsequently
formed the nazi party.

& if one recalls the historical fact that hitler did search for the so called "holy grail", given the suggestions that the the amanita muscaria is this holy grail, this
further underlines their likely knowledge of/involvement/obsession with the
amanita muscaria.

"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989)

"hitler & the holy grail"

i know that jordan maxwell holds manly p. hall in the highest regard, in fact
they were good friends. i'm pretty sure jordan maxwell is a freemason, but maybe
some of you in these forums can confirm this.

g. edward griffin is an interesting fellow. he seems nice enough, he's obviously
a real patriot, in a similar class as ron paul i'd say, & very knowledgeable. but,
like ron paul, & alex jones, i can't recall griffin ever professing Jesus Christ.
i wonder if he's a big fan of manly palmer hall as well. what would have been an
interesting question to pose to him. anyways, i definately look forward to the interview.

paul warburg's new pet singing "the sun will come out tomorrow"?

the movie of tomorrow...? wtf?

personally, i am Christian. i believe that Jesus Christ is our Messiah.
i do not believe that Jesus Christ is a mushroom or the sun anything
less than our Messiah, our savior, & the redeemer of mankind.
i say this because i don't want people to see this & believe that i am
advocating plant use or gnosticism, or consider them as some sort of
new age spiritual evolution salvation solution for humankind.

all the plants & peaceful happy thoughts in the world are not enough to
overcome the absolute evil that exists in our world. i don't mean mundane
greed & ignorance, i mean literal demonic & satanic influence.

psychodelics are no kind of replacement for Jesus Christ, & they certainly
do not negate Jesus Christ as our Messiah.

there was a time when i considered myself Christian but was concurrently
given to the belief that we must somehow save our own ass by focusing
on a personal & collective spiritual evolution - the new age ideology, the
freemasonic/luciferian ideology, the kabbalistic ideology, the gnostic
ideology, the theosophical/luciferian ideology, the buddhist ideology, the
falun da fa ideology, the so called "lightworker" ideology, which are all
generally very similar - focused on "a global brotherhood of man", cultivating
supernatural powers, instead of & in rejection of accepting Jesus Christ as our

i am putting this information forward in order to expose the unfruitful
works of darkness, not to advocate them.