Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sun & mushroom idolatry: occult keys to high level illuminism.

it is my belief that the "law of attraction" is not the real secret which as suggested by the speakers in this the REAL secret? isn't it a particular mushroom, the amanita muscaria & its synergy with the sun? (click the link to get a feel for the epic nature of this mystery.)

acharya s. was the copy editor for "Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons," by john carter. jack parsons was aleister crowley's premiere american protoge. by searching this book by keyword on amazon for: "amanita," we know that acharya is familiar with the alleged historical illumination role that amanita muscaria & other entheogenic plants played in egypt & in subsequent secret societies. still, she makes it clear that she disagrees with john allegro's assertion that Jesus Christ was an amanita muscaria mushroom. this is a particularly interesting fact, since we know that acharya is friends with jan irvin & andy rutajit. it would be interesting to have her explain what it is about allegro's work that she believes to be incorrect.

or perhaps she hasn't read his work?

at left is d.m. murdock a.k.a. acharya s. who is sure that Jesus Christ was a solar myth created by an international cabal of mystery school initiates at the library at alexandria. at right is andrew rutajit, who believes Jesus Christ was a mythological metaphor referring to the amanita muscaria mushroom - acharya begs to differ.

john allegro's entire theory is based on the etymology of words of various languages as he found them in the dead sea scrolls, so anyone would have a difficult time refuting his findings because so few people have the strength of foundation in philology which would be required to make a judgement.

external to philology, the only thing allegro relied upon to support his theory was the plaincouralt fresco, which can be found in plaincouralt chapel, allegedly built by the knights of malta, which is headquartered in vatican city. the fresco appears to depict adam & eve standing next to a sort of mushroom tree, which appears to be producing a number of amanita muscaria mushrooms.

since the dead sea scrolls were discovered in israel in 1948 just a few years after the rothschilds (whom we know we cannot trust) plunked down the money & influence to establish the current state of israel, & given that the entire dead sea scrolls project was funded by the rockefellers (whom we know we cannot trust), it is difficult to believe that this conclusion is not infused with some degree of deceiptful propoganda.

but boring politics & economic warfare aside, *is there* are more alluring & curious reason to mention the role of the international bankers when speaking about the amanita muscaria conspiracy?

is there any connection between the sun, the amanita muscaria, & these international bankers who were working for the rothschilds by proxy? yes, actually, there does appear to be a connection.

recall for a moment the musical "annie - the movie of tomorrow," & some of the choice lyrics from one of it's more memorable songs:

"Paul Warburg is really the role model for the Little Orphan Annie caricature called 'Daddy Warbucks'. Everybody at the time knew that Paul Warburg was 'Daddy Warbucks'. (Interview with G. Edward Griffin, Author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island")

Paul Warburg was an agent of the rothschild illuminati family. let's examine the rothschild warburg connection in more detail:

why is it that allegro is so indelicate with his argument? why? was he just an etremely insensitive jerk, or did he have some undisclosed reason to run roughshod over the beliefs of Christians instead of breaking the news with ANY measure of reverence? wouldn't a professional who wanted to be taken seriously be more neutral in tone knowing his potential audience was full of Christians, himself apparently a former Christian? instead his approach is repulsively cold & is devoid of neutrality in arguing his theory. according to his first words in the pharmacratic inquisition video which were basically: whether or not Jesus Christ existed hardly matters.

that is quite a bold statement, since for MANY PEOPLE the historicity of Jesus Christ is arguably the most important singular question in our reality, & allegro's words are sure to be taken as an unnecessary & blasphemous attack. further, why is it that we find artwork in john allegro's sunday mirror article which is a virtual reflection of the vatican & st. peter's square? which are, *incidentally* in the exact shape of a cross on top of a mushroom, or a mushroom growing out of a cross, depending on which end you observe at the top? WHY? why have jan & andy NEVER repeated this after i pointed out the connection repeatedly & they feigned shock at the revelation?

in dan brown's "angels & demons" the illuminati artist & darling of the pope & the catholic church was gian lorenzo bernini. bernini gave three reasons for his design of st. peter's square, the third reason was "to illuminate the infidels." the amanita was argued to be the hermeneutic illuminating key to alchemy, freemasonry, & kabbalism, while also suggested to be the illuminating key for the pharoahs in egypt. staring out of the vatican "the infidels" are treated with the view of the mushroom shaped st. peter's square fillled with catholics & pierced with the obelisk - a petrified ray of the sun, beside which a Christmas tree is erected each year at about this time.

it is still my contention that this amanita muscaria is very possibly the hidden manna spoken of in the bible. when the jews were speaking to Jesus, they asked him what he would give them so that they could do the works of God - moses gave their forefathers manna, the bread from heaven. therefore, the jews KNEW about the manna, whatever it was, and believe it gave their forefathers the ability to do the works of God. they REJECTED Jesus Christ when he offered the jews himself, as the bread of life, the true bread from heaven. the jews perhaps preferring to "enflame themselves with idols underneath every green tree," endulging in the ways it empowered them, rather than turn to Jesus Christ instead.

Jesus Christ was NOT a mushroom. Jesus Christ IS our Messiah. if anything, the amanita muscaria is the hidden manna from the bible. the most important thing is to accept Jesus Christ as your messiah. even from a purely logical standpoint, it does not make sense that the bible could be both a metaphor suggesting or concealing Jesus Christ as an amanita while reduntantly including HIDDEN MANNA in revelations, which is also, amanita muscaria. this makes absolutely no sense. however, the answer to the question is critically important for Christianity.

there are a host of people who are about to come along with pictures of mushrooms in Christian art who will use them to argue in support of allegro, or arguing at least that entheogens were used in Christianity. the latter i have no problem with believing.

but paintings of mushrooms in Christian art do not prove that Jesus Christ was a mushroom. rather it proves something about beliefs of the artists & their contemporaries.

i have at least 400 pictures which build a rather strong case around amanita muscaria symbology in contemporary pop culture, iconography, & in history, going all the way back to egypt. from here, what i see is a picture revealing that entheogens, especially the amanita muscaria, are the illuminating common denominator in the establishment & in the secret societies which are often accused as being part of "the illuminati."

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