Friday, March 27, 2015

What a treat to serve at birthday parties! Essential Cola Recipe 16 oz sparkling water (pellegrino, perrier, club soda...) 2 drops lime 2 drops orange 1 drop lemon 1 drop nutmeg 1 drop cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla Sweetener to taste (simple syrup recipe below) For super mass production 40 cups sparkling water (320 oz) 40 drops lime 40 drops orange 20 drops lemon 20 drops nutmeg 20 drops cinnamon 1/2-3/4 cup vanilla 5 cups simple syrup *simple syrup recipe is 1 part water to 1 part sweetener (honey, coconut sugar, cane sugar) heat/boil until sweetener is dissolved. Cool before adding oils!! I prefer to use coconut sugar, as the flavor is deeper. Use a shot of concentrate and fill the glass with sparkling water and essential oils. ENJOY! by Cynthia Busse

What a treat to serve at birthday parties! Essential Cola Recipe 16 oz sparkling water (pellegrino, perrier, club soda...) 2 drops lime 2 drops orange 1 drop lemon 1 drop nutmeg 1 drop cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla Sweetener to taste (simple syrup recipe below) For super mass production 40 cups sparkling water (320 oz) 40 drops lime 40 drops orange 20 drops lemon 20 drops nutmeg 20 drops cinnamon 1/2-3/4 cup vanilla 5 cups simple syrup *simple syrup recipe is 1 part water to 1 part sweetener (honey, coconut sugar, cane sugar) heat/boil until sweetener is dissolved. Cool before adding oils!! I prefer to use coconut sugar, as the flavor is deeper. Use a shot of concentrate and fill the glass with sparkling water and essential oils. ENJOY!

by Cynthia Busse

from Young Living~The Olive Tree

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